Proposed Articles of Association
1. Name of the Association
The name of the association shall be TO BE DECIDED AT THE MEETING
2. Place of Business
The place of business of the Association will be TO BE DECIDED AT THE MEETING ….. or such other address as the Council may determine
3. The Objectives
· Purpose of the organization
· To be a financially sustainable organization whose overall aim could be to actively facilitate and promote the adoption of policies, methods and tools to accelerate the movement towards a sustainable built environment in Maldives.
· To ensure the creation of habitable environments through collective engagement of built environment professions.
· Objectives
· Develop the profile and promote the effectiveness of the built environment professions in the country through awareness and public education
· To promote and encourage professionals in upholding ethical and professional standards and integrity of professional practice within their respective fields and to provide the highest standards of professional service
· To advance the standard of the built environment design professions through education, training, practice and research through Continuing Professional Development and other means.
· To provide opportunities for exchange of experiences and opinions through discussion, study, publications and meetings and by creating constructive dialogue within our cross-disciplinary membership on areas where there is both consensus and divergence
· Assist in the development of standards in the built environment
· Establish and maintain a mechanism to carry out built environment sector information research practice and act as a depository for such information including cost indices/statistics/product information
· To develop policy and lobby government in respect of matters relating to the built environment and presenting the collective views of the professionals on policy and practice to decision makers.
· Provide independent opinion on issues relating to the sector
· To represent the members in matters, which arise in, or in connection with, professional practice within their respective fields.
4. Membership:
Membership in the association is open to practitioners in the following fields-
· Architects
· Interior Designers
· Civil Engineers
· Building Service Engineers
· Mechanical/ Electrical Engineers
· Quantity Surveyors
· Construction Managers
· Project Managers
· Surveyors
· Planners
· Environmental Scientists
· Other professions as the council may decide
There will be four grades for membership:
1. Professional Grade – Degree-qualified professional with an experience record in the sector as determined by the council
2. Associate Grade – Degree-qualified professional (with minimal or no experience)
3. Incorporated Grade – Diploma or certificate-qualified member
4. Student Member - Enrolled in a built-environment related education program
5. Special Member – Individual providing services in an affiliated area and having qualifications deemed appropriate by the council
During the initial period of formation of the Association from the time of registration of the Association for a period of six months from the election of the Council, all members applying to the association and who are deemed to have relevant qualifications shall be known as ordinary members.
Within the six month transition period, the Council shall classify all registered members to the different categories and inform them of the category to which they are assigned. Any member can appeal the judgment of the categorization and shall have the opportunity to appear before the Council and appeal the categorization decision. The Council is required to provide an outcome of the appeal within a period of 1 month from the date of the appeal.
5. Governing Council
The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a body to be called the Council which shall be the governing body of the Association.
Until the election of the governing Council, the responsible members of the Association shall at their discretion appoint Acting Registrar(s) to admit members to the Association and to conduct the first election of the Council.
6. Members of the Council
The Council shall consist of 7 members and to be elected and to hold office for such periods and on such terms as to re-election and otherwise as may be prescribed hereunder. Members of the council may be paid or receive any remuneration or fees for acting as such and no Member of the Council shall be appointed to any salaried office of the Association or any office of the Association paid by fees.
7. Composition of the Council
The council shall consist of President/Chairperson and 6 Members who shall be responsible for various areas of operations including but not limited. The council shall structure the organization in a manner which ensures that all functional areas have responsibilities assigned to a council member.
The President/chairperson shall be elected from among the Council Members in the manner as hereinafter prescribed:-
1. The President/Chairperson of the Association shall be elected at the first full session of the Council after the election. A full session here means a session for which at least 5 members of the Council are present and shall sit within a period of 2 weeks from the date of the election of the Council.
2. This session shall be convened by the Acting Registrar of the Association.
3. The President/Chairperson shall be elected by a secret ballot.
At the first full session of the Council after the election one member of the council shall be designated as the Treasurer to be responsible for the finances of the Association.
8. Term of Council
Each session of Council shall commence at the Annual General Meeting to be held in March of each year.
9. Election of the Council
The Council Members shall be elected by vote of the Professional Members and at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office for one year.
As members would not have been classified by the time of the election, for the first year of the association, the council members shall be elected by a vote of the all the members.
10. Limitation on Term for Presidency
The President shall not be hold office for more than two sessions consecutively.
11. Nomination of member for election to Council
Not less than two weeks before the date of the Annual General Meeting nominations for election to the Council shall be invited from Professional Members. All nominations must be proposed and seconded and shall bear the written consent of the person so nominated.
For the first election of the Association, nominations for election to the Council shall be entertained from members at the Annual General Meeting. All nominations shall be proposed and seconded and shall have the consent of the person so nominated. If the nominated person is not present, the consent of the person shall have been demonstrated to the Acting Registrar. A member nominated for the post of a Council member shall be a degree holder.
12. Scrutineers
At the Annual General Meeting two or more Members shall be chosen as Scrutineers to count the votes and report the result to the President and to the Annual General Meeting. The Scrutineers shall reject any voting paper on which a Member has voted for a number more than that prescribed on the voting paper.
13. Vacancies on the council
In event of a vacancy occurring in any of the Council Members, the Council shall hold a by-election to fill such vacancy until the end of the session. Such a by-election may take the form of a postal vote or other such means as the Council may deem approporiate.
A Council Member who without leave of the Council is absent from three consecutive Council Meeting in any one sessional year shall be deemed to have vacated his office, subject to the Council so resolving.
14. Authorities vested in the Council
The Council, in addition to the power hereinafter specially conferred upon them, shall be vested with the direction and management of the Association for properly carrying out the objects of the Association in accordance with this Articles.
The Council shall have full power to make, alter, add to or repeal Bye-Laws and Rules regulating the affairs of the Association on any matters not provided for in the Articles. Such Bye-Laws or Rules so made, added to, altered or repealed shall come into operation at such time as is fixed by the Council. The Council shall further have full power to decide all questions relating to the management of the Association and all questions arising out of or not covered by the Articles, Bye-Laws or Rules and such decision shall be final unless and until altered or reversed by resolution of the members of the Association at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
15. Decision of the Council
The decision of the Council on all matters dealt with by them in accordance with the provisions of the Articles, the Bye-Laws and the Rules and such Resolutions as aforesaid, shall be final and binding on all members of the Association.
16. Quorum of the Council
The Council shall meet at least once every two months or as often as the business of the Association may require; and may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body. At every meeting, five Council Members shall constitute a quorum.
17. Delegation of powers
The Council may so far as it deems expedient delegate any of its powers to Committees appointed to deal with special matters or business.
18. Statement of Funds
A Statement of the funds of the Association, and of the receipts and payments during the past year, shall be made under the direction of the Council, and after having been verified and signed by the Auditors, shall be laid before the Annual General Meeting.
19. Care of Funds
All monies belonging to the Association received by the Finance Deputy (Treasurer) shall be deposited in the account of the Association to be opened at a bank approved by the Council and payments of all accounts that are certified as correct by the Council shall be made there from by cheque signed by President and Finance Deputy(Treasurer).
The Council has power to authorize the expenditure of a sum not exceeding Rf50,000 per month from the Association’s funds for the Association’s purposes.
20. Appointment of Auditors
The Council shall appoint professional Auditors to make an independent assessment of the handling of the Association’s finances each year. The process to appoint the auditors shall be recorded and signed by the President and Finance Deputy (Treasurer).
21. Annual general Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held during the month of March of each year on a date to be fixed by the Council, to receive and deliberate upon the annual report of the Council, the annual statement of accounts, to elect Members to the Council, to appoint Auditors for the ensuing year, and to transact any other business of which fourteen clear days’ notice has been given in writing to the Finance Deputy. Not less than three weeks’ notice shall be given to Members of the Annual General Meeting. At least twenty-five percent of the total Professional Members shall be present at every Annual General Meeting for its proceedings to be valid.
In the event of a quorum not being present within thirty minutes of the fixed time for the commencement of the meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same place and the same day and hour in the following week, or to any other venue or date as the Council may direct but subject to a minimum notice of seven days in this case, when the Professional Members present, whatever their number shall constitute a quorum. The accidental omission to send notice of a meeting to or the non-receipt of a notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings at the meeting. The adjourned meeting with insufficient quorum shall have not power to alter, amend or make additions to the existing Articles.
22. Voting at Meetings
Any decision at a meeting of the Association is deemed to be valid if a simple majority of professional and associate grade members present have been reached with the exception of when there is a motion to dissolve the association where a two thirds majority of the Professional and Associate grade members are required.
23. Extra-ordinary general meeting
The Council may at any time call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Professional Members for a specific purpose relating to the direction and management of the concerns of the Association; and the Council are at all times bound to do so on a requisition in writing of fifteen per cent of the total number of Professional and Associate Grade Members. Such requisition shall state the matters to be brought before and the Resolutions (if any) to be moved at such Extraordinary General Meeting.
24. Amendments to Articles of Association
The articles of Association may be amended by 2/3 majority of the Professional and Associate Grade members of the association at a meeting where the required quorum is reached. The person chairing the meeting shall in such instances announce the number required for such a resolution to be passed.
25. Disciplinary Action
In any instance in which the Council shall be of the opinion that the conduct of any Member shall become subject of enquiry with a view to ascertaining whether in the interests of the Association there are grounds for disciplinary action, or in any case in which ten or more Members shall think fit to draw up and sign a proposal for disciplinary enquiry to be taken against a Member, on any ground whatever, and shall deliver the same to the President to be laid before the Council for their consideration, the Council shall make such enquiry and take such action in accordance with such Disciplinary Regulations as may be promulgated by the Council from time to time.
26. Expulsion
If a Member is convicted by a competent tribunal of felony, embezzlement, larceny, misdemeanor or other offence which in the opinion of the Council renders him unfit to be a Member, the Council shall have the right to remove his name from the Register thereby expelling him from the Association.
27. Professional Conduct
All Members are required to order their conduct so as to uphold the dignity, standing and reputation of the Association. For the purpose of ensuring the fulfillment of this requirement, the Council may make, amend and rescind Rules to be observed by Members with regard to their conduct in any respect which may be relevant to their position or intended position as members of the Association and may publish directions or pronouncements as to specific conduct which is to be regarded as proper or as improper as the case may be.
28. Annual Subscription/membership fees
The annual subscription, etc payable by Members shall be at rates proposed by the Council from time to time.
Every member shall be liable for the payment of his annual subscription until he has informed in writing his desire to resign, having previously paid all arrears, including the subscription for the year current at the date of his notice, or until he has forfeited his right to remain in, or be attached to the Association.
29. Matters not provided for
The Council may decide on any matter not provided for in the Articles, subject to such decision being not contradictory to the Articles and being rectified at the next Annual General Meeting.
30. Dissolution of Association
The Association shall not be dissolved except with the consent of not less than two-thirds of the Professional Members at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose. In the event of the Association being dissolved as above all debts and liabilities legally incurred shall be fully discharged and the remaining funds if any shall be disposed of, as decided at such General Meeting. Notice of dissolution shall be given within seven days of the dissolution to the authorities
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