Monday, January 11, 2010

Seeking suggestions for a name for the organization

Updated 3:00 pm 15th Jan 2010

As of today, the names that have been suggested are:-

Built Environment Associates/Association of Maldives (BEAM) - Ali Shareef / Thathu
Built Environment Resources Initiative / Institute  (BERI)  - Thathu/ Mauroof
Built Environment Resources Institute Maldives (BERIM) - Thathu / Mauroof
Built Environment Associated Professionals (BEAP) - Thathu
Association of Built Environment Professionals (ABEP) - Saleem (Crown) - sent via email

Jan 11th 2010


As we progress towards finalizing the set-up of the organization, I suppose we should be thinking about a name for the organization which portrays our identity adequately. It was also suggested at the first meeting that our name should also explicitly state this is a professional society.

On behalf of the steering committee we would appreciate if you could send suggestions to as soon as possible.

For your information, there is currently one suggestion - Built Environment Association of Maldives


  1. I think we should also be thinking of names for the organisation. Some suggestions:

    BERI : Built Environment Resources Initiative / Institute

    BEAM: Built Environment Associates/ Association of Maldives

    BERIM : Built Environment Resources Institute Maldives

  2. As some pple feel "Professional" should be in the name. Personally, my opinion is we do not need to call ourselves "Professional"

    BEAP: Built Environment Associated Professionals

  3. What are the obectives of this association,as today from Mudhimu to President they call themselves environmentalists, its very difficult to know who is who to give them a name.

    Are we talking of environment and climatic issues or just built a environment for anything or any filed you name it.

  4. I think it will be great to start this organization as a resources initiative and would prefer the names;
    BERI: Built Environment Resources Initiative/Institution
    BERIM: Built Environment Resources Initiative/Institution of Maldives

  5. Mustho,

    As we have indicated in the first post, the idea is to ensure the creation and sustainability of the built environment through the engagement of professionals.

    We are not simply limiting it to environmental and climatic issues - anything that pertains to the built environment and the processes which contribute to the development of the built environment are within the domain of what we hope to address.

  6. I think BERI (Built Environment Resources Initiative) is ideal name, I would chose initiative rather than institute in this case.

  7. Resource Initiative for Sustainable Built Environment Maldives

    BERI is a handsome word while RISBEM is rather a mouthful!!yet its worth to draw value from the central theme or concept of sustainability.
